Motorcycle Crash Lawyers | Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Near Me

Motorcycle Crash Lawyers | Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Near Me

Some common mistakes that we are seeing people make right after a motorcycle crash lawyers.

No: 1 -  Leaving the scene of the accident without calling the police or getting the other drivers' information.

No: 2 - Assuming that you're not hurt.

No: 3 - Assuming that you know all the reasons why the crash happened.

 No: 4 - Decided to give your insurance company. 

A recorded statement right away alright so going back through those The first one is about leaving the scene without calling the police or getting the driver's information.

absolutely you want to make a record of the fact that this crash occurred so you do need to call the police call 9-1-1 even if you don't think anybody's hurt let them know that it happens.

so that there's a record of it and also you need to make sure that you find out who this other driver was or if there was more than one other driver get everybody's information you want to know their name their number and their insurance information.

number two don't assume that you're not hurt a lot of times injuries pop up later and the reason is that right after a crash you've got all this adrenaline pumping through your veins and you don't realize right Roy that you may have something going on inside your body that will pop it pop up later and let you know that you really do have problems on theme medical side so don't assume that you're not hurt.

number three don't assume that you knew all the reasons why the crash occurred if you think you may have played a part in causing the crash yourself don't assume that the other driver wasn't also doing something wrong that may have also played a part maybe they were playing with their radio or looking at their phone.

you never know so don't assume and the last thing is donative your insurance company a recorded statement right away it is important to notify your insurance company of the crash because that's how you get coverage for both your property damage and for your injuries if you're injured so you do want to let them know that a crash happened but they're always going to want to take a recorded statement from you recording your description of how the crash occurred.

it's always best to consult with a lawyer before you have given any kind of a recorded statement to your insurance company truth is that they're not necessarily looking out for your best interests and so you might end up saying something that could go against you in the long run.
so you want to be careful about that make sure you talk to a lawyer before that happens.

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